
Minecraft White Lines In The Distance

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Visualization of the ground portion of a single chunk. The entire chunk extends up to a height of 256.

Chunks are 256 block tall 16 × 16 segments of the Minecraft worlds. Chunks are the method used by the world generator to divide maps into manageable pieces.

  • 2Loaded and unloaded chunks


Chunks are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long, and 256 blocks high, which is 65,536 blocks total. Chunks are generated around players when they first enter the world. As they wander around the world, new chunks are generated as needed.

Chunks are generated with the help of the map seed, which means that the chunks are always the same if you would use the same seed again, as long as the map generator and version number remain the same.

Loaded and unloaded chunks[edit]

Chunks near the player are loaded into memory. The range depends on the Render Distance setting. These chunks may have activity (mobs spawning, trees growing, water flowing, dropped items disappearing etc.), while chunks outside of the range are inactive, and are stored on the disk. Chunks will not save again if they were saved in the last 30 seconds.

In multiplayer mode, a grid with a default inradius of 10 (for a total of 21x21 or 441) chunks is loaded around each player and sent to the player by default, although this can be configured to be between 3 and 15, usually only lowered with a poor connection home server.

Spawn chunks[edit]

Main article: Spawn chunk
This feature is exclusive to Java Edition.

The chunks in the area immediately surrounding the world spawn point are special chunks that are never unloaded from memory as long as at least one player is in the Overworld. This means that things like redstone mechanisms and mob farms will continue to operate even when all players are very far away.

Effects on performance[edit]

Chunks are normally loaded into volatile memory only when they are needed for displaying. This 'store until needed' memory management is commonly used in games with procedurally-generated terrain so that the players' computers don't have to track and update hundreds of plants and mobs simultaneously.

Minecraft's render engine uses OpenGL's display list feature to divide a world chunk into sixteen 16x16x16 blocks large display lists to speed up rendering significantly. They need to be rebuilt each time when a block within them is changed and can be rendered multiple times to achieve e. g. transparency.[1]

Slime spawning[edit]

Main article: Slime § Spawning

Slimes can only spawn in specific chunks, determined by a calculation performed on the chunk coordinates. There are a number of utilities and mods that allow the player to tell which chunks they can spawn in.

Finding chunk edges[edit]

The key F3+G can be used to display chunk boundaries.

Alternately, pressing the 'F3' button opens the Debug screen which shows the player's X, Y, and Z coordinates, in addition to the 'c' variable. These coordinates will change as the player moves around. The player can know which chunk they are in by the variable 'c' that is next to both 'x' and 'z' variables. The number in the brackets specifies how far the player is from the north-western corner of the chunk, so if the 'c' beside X was 3(5), and the 'c' beside Z was 2(4), then the player is on chunk (3, 2), and is on block (5, 4) from the north-western corner.

X and Z coordinates that are divisible by 16 represent the boundaries between chunks. EG: (96, -32) is a corner where four chunks meet. One of those chunks is between X coordinates 80 to 96 and Z coordinates -48 to -32. Another one is between X coordinates 96 to 112 and Z coordinates -32 to -16, and so on. When either X or Z crosses a multiple of 16, the player is moving across chunks.

Essentially, the player is in the top-left corner (north-western) of a chunk when both x and z coordinates are divisible by 16.

Additionally, the player can know which chunk they are on by this formula:
The X of chunk will be Floor( X coordinate / 16 )
The Z of chunk will be Floor( Z coordinate / 16 )
Where Floor is the largest previous integer. E.g. Floor( 27.9561 ) is 27
In other words if X was 27, Z was -15 the chunk will be chunk ( Floor( 27 / 16 ), Floor( -15 / 16 ) ) which means the player is on chunk (1, -1)
Also, The player can know how far he is from the north-western corner by this formula:
(X or Z coordinate) AND 15

In Bedrock Edition, when toggling fancy graphics, the world will render again, loading only the chunk the player is in for a split second. This method is useful for finding chunk boundaries as there will be a clear line visible in that split second.



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Java Edition pre-Classic
Cave game tech testThe precursors to chunks are showcased.
Java Edition
1.2.1Chunk size increased to 16×256×16


  • There are a possible fourteen trillion (14,062,500,000,000) real chunks that can be generated. There are 7.46×10244,700 possible chunks, excluding entities.
  • If a player stands in a chunk that has not generated yet, the world immediately becomes invisible until they are in a valid chunk. This does not happen if the Y coordinates are beyond the chunk boundaries.

See also[edit]


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTFkmfnkCfk&t=20m50s
Retrieved from 'https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Chunk&oldid=1381417'

The rugby field (pitch) step by step. Markings and explanations. Look and understand. Get the complete picture so you will remember.

Main features of the layout of the field

Main features of a rugby field

Colours highlight main features

Red - dashed line, distance from touch line to the front of a lineout.

Orange - between dashed lines, maximum length of lineout

Purple - dashed line, minimum distance for kick-off/restart kicks

Black - dashed line, distance from goal-line of 5-metre scrums

Grey - from goal-line to 22-metre line is the 22-metre area

Blue - goal-line to dead-ball line, in-goal area where tries are scored

For more details continue to 'Ground area', then 'Next step'

Minecraft Lines Between Blocks 2019

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5 metre line - out from goal line

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Lines and areas of the field

The Ground Area

Ground area

'Rugby ground' is the area of land where the field/pitch is laid out.

It should be grass but other surfaces which are not hard are allowed.

Rugby grounds include the field and the area closely surrounding it.

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Arma 3 where are steam missions saved. There's a touch-line along each side and a dead-ball line at each end.

These are important lines.

If the ball or a player carrying the ball touches any of these lines (or anything or anyone outside these lines) the ball is out of play.

The game stops and must be re-started.

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Halfway line

Halfway line

The halfway line divides the field into two equal halves.

Two teams play. Each team defends one half and attacks the other.

At half time the teams swap ends.

Position of the half-way line

Yes it`s in the middle!

But it`s relative.

No matter what the field dimensions are, the half-way line is drawn so that it is exactly mid-way between the goal-lines.

This means on a pitch that is 100m long it is 50m from the halfway line to the goal-line.

On a pitch that is only 94m long (the minimum length), it is only 47m from the halfway line to the goal-line.


This is an important difference because you often make decisions based on where you are on a field - on knowing how far and how fast you can run or how far you can kick.

Basing your decisions on the assumption you are 50m from goal (because you are on the halfway line), when it`s only 47m could have unwanted consequences.

A short line intersecting the half-way line indicates the centre of the pitch where start and restart kicks are to be taken.

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Goal-line and in-goal area

Goal line


Goal line

There is a goal-line for each half of the field.

At the centre of each goal-line is a set of goal posts.

In-goal area

The goal line and the area behind it are called the 'in-goal area'.

In-goal area

You score 'tries' in their in-goal area, which..

  • is the goal-line itself....TRY!
  • is the ground behind the goal-line....TRY!
  • is the goal posts and any padding....TRY!
  • EXCLUDES the touch-line behind the goal-line NO try!!!!!!
  • EXCLUDES - the dead ball line.NO try!!!!!!

The touch-line behind the goal-line is called the touch-in-goal line

Size of the in-goal area

The in-goal area has no set dimensions.

It is always the same width as the whole field.

The depth may vary.

The actual depth may depend on the amount of space available or on the preferences of the home team.

The maximum depth of the in-goal area is 22 metres. The law says it must be a minimum of 6 metres.

It can make a big difference when you attempt to score tries.

With deep in goal areas you can even use evasion techniques (rugby sidesteps) to get a try nearer the posts.

This will make it easier for the player taking the place kick to convert the try and score more points.

Check the field you are about to play on.

If your team regularly scores tries by kicking into the in-goal area using rolling grubber kicks then running in to ground the ball, you may be affected by a smaller than usual in-goal area.

The field of play is the part of the field with the touch-lines along the sides and goal lines across the ends.

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22 Metre line and 22 area

22 metre line

22 Metre line, one for each end

22 metre area

22 metre areas

Lines 22 metres out from the goal-lines in each half show the '22 areas'. '22 areas' are made up of

  • the 22 metre lines themselves
  • the ground behind the 22 metre lines back to the goal-lines
  • but EXCLUDES the goal-lines themselves

Sometimes the game restarts with a drop kick from within the 22 area. It must simply cross the 22-metre line.

This line can also be important when 'kicking for touch'.

The ball may be kicked 'into touch' (across either touch-line) from anywhere on the field. It's a way of moving forward, gaining ground during normal play.

  • If you kick from behind your 22-metre line the game restarts where the ball crosses the touch-line.
  • It's different if the kick is from in front of your 22-metre line. If the ball bounces on the ground before going into touch the game restarts where the ball crosses the touch-line. If the ball doesn't bounce (called 'out on the full') the game restarts in line with where the ball was kicked.
  • If the kicking team took the ball back behind the 22-metre line before the kick, it is treated as though the kick was from outside the 22-metre line.

You restart play with a lineout. If you put the ball into touch, they throw the ball into the lineout. If they did, you throw.

You may also kick for touch when awarded a penalty. No matter where you kick from, a lineout takes place where the ball crosses the touchline and you get the throw.

You often kick for touch with a spiral punt kick from inside the 22 area.

Outside the 22 you sometimes kick for touch with a bouncing grubber kick to make sure it touches the ground before going in to touch.

Find out more about the different types of kick when you visit the kicking skills pages.

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10 Metre Line

10 metre lines, one for each half

In rugby games, you start play (and restart after points are scored) with a kick-off using a drop kick from the centre of the halfway line towards the opposition who are waiting in their half of the field.

The ball must travel at least 10 metres beyond the halfway line. It may touch the ground, but it must go the 10 metres away from halfway.

So this can be easily judged a dashed line is placed 10 metres from halfway, both sides of the halfway line.

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5 and 15 metre lines

5 metre front of lineout line

Front of lineout, dash line

Play stops when the ball goes 'into touch' (across a touch-line).

You restart play with a lineout.

This line shows the minimum 5metre distance the ball must travel to the front of the lineout.

15 metre rear of lineout

Rear of lineout, dash line

Players taking part in a lineout must stand within 15 metres of the touch line.

The rear of the lineout lines (one at each side of the field) show the maximum length of the lineout.

In some cases scrums, penalties or free kicks are to be 15 metres in from the touch-line. These lines show where that is.

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5 Metre line out from goal-line, dash line

5 metres out from goal-lines, dash lines

Sometimes a penalty or scrum will be awarded and must take place 5 metres from the goal-line, in line with a point along the goal-line decided by the match official.

These lines indicate the required distance from the goal-line.The dashes are usually placed only at the intersections with 5 and 15 metre lines and in front of the posts.

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Width of lines

Width of lines

Width of lines seems to range from 5cm to 15cm.

I've searched for an 'official' line width, but without success.

Here they suggest a width of 5cm but I decided to find out myself.

Concord Oval is home to the West Harbour Pirates and Googee Oval is home to Randwick.

Both teams play in the premier Sydney competition, the Shute Shield.

I measured the lines at both grounds. They were both aapproximately 15cm wide.

So the answer seems to be whatever suits the ground(staff!) :)

On a school field 5cm is probably appropriate but on major grounds 15cm looks very good.

I was lucky enough to see the groundstaff mark out Concord Oval and made a short video which is on our Facebook page

Strictly speaking, for a maximum size field..

  • the touch lines should be in addition to the 70m width of the pitch
  • the goal-lines would be in addition to the 100m length of the field of play
  • the dead ball lines should be in addition to the 144m length of the whole field (100m field of play + 2 x 22m in-goal areas)

For practical reasons it appears that measurements are made and whatever line is required is produced by a machine straddling the measured position of the line.

This means, say, that the field of play is 100m minus half the width of each of the two goal-lines. That is 100m - 2 x 7.5cm.

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How you will remember the lines

You may not think viewing the field as a whole is easy.

Take it apart, see a bit at a time, put it back together as you have and you know you will remember the layout

You could practice when you have spare moments.

Close your eyes, picture each part.

See how it all fits together.

Move around, change direction, go all over. See the lines you know. Think about the rules that apply and remember. You can use rugby sidesteps anywhere!

the dashed lines as shown have many dashes so they are easy to remember. The dashed lines actually on the field are in the places shown, but have fewer dashes.

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Rugby field dimensions

Dimensions do vary, more so in lower grades. Check out the field, does it measure up? How it might affect your game and the result

Field dimensions in metres

Dimensions must be as close as possible to the figures given above.

Minimum figures are; length 94m, width 68m. If you want to see the actual official dimensions you`ll find them at World Rugby Law 1 The Ground


The maximum length of the 'field of play' is 100 metres. That`s the distance between the two goal lines. You know what your maximum sprint distance will be!

Take field length and field position into account when you decide on your next actions.

You can break a defence with a sidestep but it is best to do it near their end of the field so you are likely to get a try and there is less chance of being run down after you have made the break.

That`s not to say you can`t put a few together and go the length of the field. Even one may be enough if you have the speed to keep clear of chasing defenders or have a speedy player backing you up.

At higher levels in the sport the length would usually be the maximum. At lower levels it may be worth checking the dimensions of the field you are about to play on.

Length variations are likely to be small, but could affect the quality of your decisions and accuracy of your kicks both in general play and shots for goal.

The chip kick in behind the defence may not be as easy on a shorter pitch because the fullback will have less ground to cover.

The 10 metre line is relative to the half-way line.

If you`re playing away and you`re on the opposition 10 metre line you may be 3 metres closer to or further from the opposition try-line than on your home ground.


The maximum width of the field is 70 metres.

Again at lower levels it may be worth checking the dimensions of the field you are about to play on.

Fields significantly narrower or wider than you are used to could really affect your game and you should be aware of how the pitch you are about to play on compares with your own.

On a narrower field you may feel cramped.

The amazing jink may come in more useful.

If you are used to using wide open spaces to run around the opposition you`ll have to straighten your attack. But you`ll find it easier to defend.

On a wider field, be aware. There`ll be more ground to cover in defence. In attack you`ll be used to having to run straight on a narrower field and will probably use the extra width well.

Maybe one of your bouncing grubber kicks put through the defence would be easier and more useful than usual.


The 'perimeter area' is a strip of ground surrounding the playing area, if possible at least 5 metres wide.

This area is there to prevent injury when players are tackled into touch or end up running off the pitch.

'Perimeter' could also mean the edges.

You may want to know the distance round the perimeter so you know how far you`ve run each time you do a lap.

Minecraft White Lines In The Distance

Running around a fairly typical field you would run..

  • 2 lengths of the field (2 x 100m)
  • 4 times the depth of the ingoal area (4 x 10m)
  • 2 widths of the field (2 x 70m)

That makes a total of 200m + 40m + 140m = 380m

A full size pitch with 22m ingoal areas would add 48m, total 428m.


You find the area of the field by multiplying length by width.

A typical length is 100m for the field of play plus the depth of the ingoal areas at both ends of the field, say 10m each - total 120m.

The width is typically 70m so the area = 120m x 70m = 8400 sq m.

A full size pitch (22m ingoal) would be 144m x 70m = 10080 sq m.

Rugby Posts

Dimensions include the posts - 5.6 metres wide.

The top edge of the cross bar is 3.0 metres from the ground.

The minimum height of the posts is 3.4 metres.

We used to call the goal posts 'the sticks'

'He/she sidestepped the fullback and put the ball down under the sticks'. The posts and any padding are part of the ingoal area. You can score a try by grounding the ball against the posts.

In rugby kicking, for you to score points from any type of goal (conversion, penalty or drop goal) the ball must pass over the cross bar and between the posts.

Here`s a video clip where the ball did just that before being blown back over by the wind. The points were awarded - because it had gone over.

Would you believe it!

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Field also called pitch

'Pitch' is a word with many meanings!

Put it together with 'rugby' and it narrows it down a lot.

Search through the World Rugby document 'Laws of the game Rugby Union' and there is only one mention of 'pitch'.

They describe rugby traditions of opposing teams enjoyment of each others company away from the actual game of rugby. As they say, 'away from the pitch'.

Everything else about the rules of rugby or the laws of the game of rugby is described in terms of the 'field' or 'the field of play'.

Growing up I always used the term 'pitch'.

I recently started using 'field' and I`m wondering why!

What comes to mind is this. I grew up playing school rugby at a large school for boys. The Rugby First XV played matches on the single rugby field at school. Although I would still have called it the pitch.

The rest of us went to the other, distant 'playing fields' where a large number of places to play rugby were marked out, all fairly close to each other.

Because there were so many of them to talk about and identify our 'rugby field' was not possible.

We talked about which 'pitch' we were on in the same way other people talk about pitches meaning the particular bit of a larger area that has been allocated to them.

Here I`m thinking of street performers, book-makers, market stall-holders, campers and similar people with pitches.That`s my theory!

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